Provides notification when the error occurs and identifies the source of error so users can readily refocus and remedy the error.
Barriers Encountered
- Error source is not visually identified
- Error source is not programmatically identified
- Error source is not programmatically associated with error message
- Error source is not accessible to assistive technology
- Error source indicator is not identifiable (e.g., not recognizable as an error source indicator)
- Error source indicator is not legible (e.g., not distinguishable)
- Error notification does not occur at time of error
- Time-limited error notification limits access to instructions
- Error source visual label is not the same as its programmatic label, making it difficult to move focus using speech
- Error message doesn’t match source: Error message provides a different, ambiguous, or incomplete field label than the searchable visual label, making it difficult to search for the term in the form.
Common User Needs
- Visual error source indicator: User needs a visual indicator of the error source so they know which component is the source of the error.
- Error message provided when error occurs: User needs an error message that is provided when the error occurs so they can readily refocus on the source of the error.
- Error message persists: User needs an error message that persists until the error is remedied so they can access the remedy instructions for as long as it takes to address the error.
- Error message linked to error source: User needs an error message that is linked to the error source so they can readily move focus to invalid inputs to correct them.
- Error message focused on reload: User needs an error message that is focused when the page reloads so they know there was an error
Unique User Needs
- High-contrast error source indicator: User needs a prominent high-contrast error source indicator so they can identify the error source.
Functional Needs
- Essential
- Sensory - Vision and Visual
- Sensory - Sensory Intersections
- Cognitive - Attention
- Cognitive - Language and Literacy
- Cognitive - Learning
- Cognitive - Memory
- Cognitive - Executive
- Cognitive - Mental Health
- Cognitive - Cognitive and Sensory Intersections
- Independence
- Physical - Mobility
- Physical - Motor
- Physical & Sensory Intersections