WCAG 3.0
Text alternatives Methods & How To's




The purpose of this guideline is to ensure that all non-text content is also available in text. Text refers to electronic text, not an image of text. Electronic text has the unique advantage that it is presentation neutral.


Electronic text, such as ASCII or Unicode, can be rendered visually, auditorily, tactilely, or by any combination. As a result, information rendered in electronic text can be presented in whatever form best meets the needs of the user. It can also be easily enlarged, spoken aloud so that it is easier for people with reading disabilities to understand, or rendered in whatever tactile form best meets the needs of a user.

Who it helps


Most platforms provide ways of associating alternative text with an image. For example, Web pages, electronic documents like PDF and ePub, and electronic books (ebooks) use HTML and ARIA semantic code to label images, graphics, icons, or buttons with text alternatives. Mobile platforms provide code to associate an image with a text description. Audio and other media with a sound track can provide text transcripts. (Captions for audio are covered in another guideline.)

Planning responsibilities

Tips for collaboration

Planning for each stage

How to get started early

How to remediate

Design responsibilities

Designer tips

User testing and meaningful involvement

Technical responsibilities

Technical tips

W3C Resources