Provides instructions in response to an error so users know what steps to take to remedy the error.
Barriers Encountered
- No remedy instructions
- Unhelpful remedy instructions
- Remedy instructions that are not understandable (e.g., not clear)
Common User Needs
- Error message includes remedy instructions: User needs an error message describing the remedy so they know how to recover from the error.
- Error message with remedy instructions displays at source of error: User needs an error message that displays at the source of the error so they can access the remedy instructions while focused on the source of the error.
Unique User Needs
- Programmatically associated error message and source of error: User needs an error message that is programmatically associated with the source of the error so they can access the remedy instructions while focused on the source of the error.
- Reassuring remedy instructions: User needs reassuring remedy instructions so they can have confidence they can resolve the error.
Functional Needs
- Essential
- Sensory - Vision and Visual
- Sensory - Sensory Intersections
- Cognitive - Attention
- Cognitive - Language and Literacy
- Cognitive - Learning
- Cognitive - Memory
- Cognitive - Executive
- Cognitive - Mental Health
- Cognitive - Cognitive and Sensory Intersections
- Independence
- Physical - Mobility
- Physical - Motor
- Physical & Sensory Intersections