Sc3 2 2 Form No Submit

Please note, this is a draft


This test checks forms that initiate a change of context without submit button.



Test properties

Property Value
Success Criterion 3.2.2 On Input
Test mode SemiAuto
Test environment DOM (+ server connection ???)
Test subject Single web page
User expertise and skills Basic understanding of HTML and WCAG

Test procedure


Test mode: automatic

Select form element without submit button (input[@type='submit'] or input[@type='image'] or button[@type='submit']).

Step 1

Test mode: automatic

Does the form contain only one form control from the following list:

and not other form controls?

If no, return

Outcome Failed
Testcase SC3-2-2-form-no-submit
ID SC3-2-2-form-no-submit-fail1
Error The form has several fields and no submit button.

Else, continue with Step 2.

Step 2

Test mode: manual

User Input Question:

Property Value
Presented item selected form including all form controls
Requires context yes
Requires Interaction no
Question Is there an explanation of what will happen when the control is changed available prior to the controls activation?
Help Changing a control means checking a checkbox, entering text into a text field, or changing the selected option in a list control. If the web page contains an explanation what will happen when a control is changed before the form, please answer “yes”. Else, answer “no”.

If no, return

Outcome Failed
Testcase SC3-2-2-form-no-submit
ID SC3-2-2-form-no-submit-fail2
Error Explanation about context change missing.

Else, return

Outcome Passed
Testcase SC3-2-2-form-no-submit
ID SC3-2-2-form-no-submit-pass1